Website Recovery

 > Website Recovery

You may be subject to a hacked website without even realising. We’ll scan your website for any malware and restore it to working order as soon as possible.

It’s vital to keep your website safe and secure – thousands and thousands of websites get hacked every single day. Hackers can compromise your website in multiple different ways; such as brute force, looking for outdated software on your site, or, injecting malware into your files. There’s a wide variety of incentives for hackers to gain access, such as obtaining sensitive data, defacement and spreading spam links to their sites.

If you think you may have been subject to an attack, we have the tools in place to help you get back on your feet. We’ll scan your website for malware, remove any injected code, recover your site and implement security patches to prevent any further breaches. If you’re on one of our hosting packages or maintenance plans, you can be assured that we have real-time protection in place to nullify any potential attacks. We take daily back-ups so in the unlikely event of a breach, we can revert to a ‘clean’ website instantly.

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